Who Has Changed Your Life to the Better?
March 26, 2015
Who Has Changed Your Life to the Better?

Dear Dr Laura, 

I am the wife of an alpha male and a SAHM of two teenage boys. It is a heck of a ride and I am grateful for all of it. 

I would like to share and essay written by our 13-year-old son. It was sent to me by the school administrator. Normally the essays are kept private, as they are meant to assess writing ability, but she forwarded it to me as she felt I would want to "treasure every word". 

Name one person who has changed your life for the better: When I think of people who have changed my life for the better, one person instantly comes to mind. She is an amazing role model, a teacher and a friend. She is my mother and the most important ways she changed my life were by installing in me strong morals, a sense of right and wrong, and by teaching me what it means to be happy. My mother gave me a strong moral compass from a young age. Not only did she teach me right from wrong, but she taught me to determine right from wrong on my own. Later in life, this was invaluable, helping me determine who good friends were, and allowing me to have my own opinion on events happening around the world. 

What does it mean to be happy? Around the holiday season we have all heard the saying "it's about giving not getting." My mother showed me happiness is deeper than that. True happiness comes from helping others, not acquiring toys or a fancy car. At first, I did not believe her, and I thought getting was how to be happy. She proved me wrong when I participated in community service at the children's museum. Helping there made me feel great, better than any toy or game! 

I have my mother to thank for all these great things I have learned from her. I am truly blessed to have such a great mom.
Dr Laura, I was so touched by this essay, I told my husband I want it read at my funeral! Thank you for encouraging moms to stay home and be there for their families. We do make a difference in the lives of our kids, and one day they will share with others what a blessing that is. 



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM