He Kept Calm and Cool
January 16, 2019
He Kept Calm and Cool

Your superhero question reminded me of something that happened while my husband and I were engaged. We were babysitting my ten-month-old nephew while his parents were out. My fiancé, who had never spent much time around young children, seemed a little uncomfortable around my nephew and didn't really know what to do with him. I was feeding the little boy oranges and my fiancé was sitting across the room when all of a sudden my nephew started to choke. I've taken multiple CPR classes, babysat for years, and have practiced the Heimlich on at least a half dozen baby dolls but faced with the real situation I froze. Panic set in and I had no idea what to do! Suddenly my fiancé was there, scooping the orange out of my nephew's mouth and then giving him a gentle pat on the back as his breathing returned to normal. He even put his arm around me to make sure I was okay.

Afterward, I kept looking at him and thinking, "This man is going to be the father of my children," and that thought brought me so much relief. I'm so grateful I made such a good choice! We've been married a couple of years now, he is still my hero, and I try to always follow your advice so that he knows it.


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM