The Importance of Mothers
May 3, 2016
The Importance of Mothers

Dr. Laura:

I often hear how mothers are going back to work right after their 3 month maternity leave is over because they "have no other option."  I hear my friends complaining how they HAVE to work and all their kids are in daycare from day 1.  I've also noticed they drive luxury cars and have million-dollar homes and they often go out to eat and travel a lot, staying in nice hotels.

I get asked if my 3-year-old has started pre-school yet, because it's important for kids to learn their numbers, colors and shapes before kindergarten.  My 3-year-old has been home with me from birth and already knew all his numbers, colors and shapes by two years old.  He even surprises people at the grocery store when he yells out "octagon" and "pentagon" shapes he notices.  People think he's some kind of genius, but all he's done is be the child of a stay-at-home mom who loves and nurtures him.  We fill our days reading, going for walks and doing fun activities, but I still get told he "needs" to go to pre-school.  

Thank you for speaking out against this insanity, and for the how important it is for mothers to be home with their infants and small children.  And as you consistently point out, there is always a way to live on one income if you really want to.


Posted by Staff at 12:15 PM