PTA and Other Organizations
September 2, 2015
PTA and Other Organizations

I'm the president of the PTA at my kiddo's school this year. It's my last child and it was 'my turn.' I'd like to offer some advice to your listeners regarding staying out of the 'muck' in organizations such as these: 

Don't Answer Your Phone.
At least, don't answer your phone the first time you get a call from another parent. If they leave a message, take time to think it through before you call them back. If they don't leave a message, don't call them back. If it's really important and they are willing to put the information in an email or text, it's probably worth addressing. However - we women - and I'm as guilty of it as anyone else - tend to over dramatize, over-react and get off subject when we are given immediate and unlimited attention especially over the phone. I much prefer face-to-face or written exchanges. That way I can fully concentrate or have time to process what they might really mean and ask questions if I'm wrong. In this day and age of technology, we do ourselves no favors by being constantly available. Cut down on the chaos and stress in your life: Don't answer your phone. 


We'd love to hear your advice regarding working with other parents or volunteer groups. Share your story by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  



Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM