Helping My Messy Kid
January 4, 2018
Helping My Messy Kid

I discovered a neat trick to help my 13 year old boy pick up after himself. He's my youngest and I've always just picked up after him because it's been "easier". He would leave his trash, dirty dishes, clothes etc. right where he was, and when I would call him to clean up, it was like he honestly couldn't see the problem.

I finally realized I was not doing him any favors and when I started expecting him to clean up after himself I was met with "resistance" to say the least. My solution, I made it like an Easter Egg Hunt, "Fix the problems in the room...there are 5." I combine this with hotter/colder hints. I count as he fixes them and he's almost eager to "play".  Also, I've even noticed he has started picking up after himself a bit better as time goes on, it's like he actually has started thinking and seeing things he was truly blind to in the past.


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM