I Heard YOU!
February 24, 2016
I Heard YOU!

Dear Dr. Laura:

19 years ago, I gave birth to our oldest child.  I fully intended to return to work, but when my six weeks maternity leave was up, I couldn't bear the thought of my baby spending her days with someone else.  So when I made the decision not to return to work, I didn't get the support I had envisioned.  People thought I was crazy to give up something I enjoyed that paid well.  They wondered how my military husband and I could survive on his paycheck.  Even though my husband was on board, I questioned myself, wondering if my greatest asset to my family was my paycheck!

Then while driving across Indiana, I heard YOU.  That day you changed my life, because you gave me a voice and helped me be confident and proud in my decision to be the primary influence on my child.  It certainly wasn't easy; I found ways to make money along the way - from a home business to odd jobs on the side.  It helped and it was always on MY terms - I was always around to take all my kids to school and pick them up in the afternoon and attend all their games and events.  

My children are almost grown now, and I hear daily what smart, kind-hearted, accomplished loving children we have.  People say I'm lucky, but I tell them I'm not "lucky" -- we consciously made the right decision all those years ago, and staying home with them had real value.  Thank you, Dr. Laura for giving me the strength and courage to go do the right thing for my kids.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM