July 24, 2013


Dear Dr. Laura, 

I have only been listening to you for about 7 months, but you have already made a substantial impact on my way of thinking about situations and issues that arise for me as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, and probably most importantly, how I view myself. You have given me clarity and strength in areas that I previously had none. I listen closely to advice that you give callers to your program, and think about how I can apply your advice to me. I listen when I’m washing the dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, going to pick the kids up from school, etc. 

I sometimes laugh, sometimes cry, sometimes dance, sometimes say in my head, “What the what!?” Sometimes, Dr. Laura, when I really relate to a caller and you go in deep, and pull out thoughts and emotions and truths that they haven’t even admitted to themselves, my body stops whatever I’m doing, and I just listen. I feel like my stomach and heart are both racing up to my throat, and I just listen. 

I am in awe of your sensitivity, intuitiveness, professionalism, and ability to go straight to the root of a problem. I don’t know how you can go from a gut-wrenchingly hard call right on to the next caller, while I’m still standing there in the middle of the kitchen sobbing and reeling. 

Bottom line, Dr. Laura, is that ever since I found you on SirusXM radio and started listening to your program, I have wondered why it is classified as entertainment. Who thinks that what you do is entertainment? I just don’t get it. You change people’s lives daily. You make a difference. If more people listened to your advice, the world would be a better place. Thank you for being there for me and making me a better person. 

All my Best Regards, 


Posted by Staff at 11:26 AM