Finding Praise, Love and Attention
August 5, 2015
Finding Praise, Love and Attention

The long-awaited play date with a friend from school finally arrived. My three girls, ages 10, 8 and 5 and the friend fluttered around the house. It was a very enjoyable and relaxing summer day. We decided to head to the local pool. Since we live in a small town, we were the only ones there for the first half hour. My 5 year old was showing off her swimming skills learned at a lesson the previous week. She had my full attention and praise as we played together.

A few local kids trickled in, then a literal train of daycare children came in with their young babysitter leading them in. The babysitter pulled up a chair and propped herself in the shade with her cell phone. The daycare kids immediately glommed onto me as I was the only adult in the pool. They noticed there was someone interested in them as I commented on their big splash or impressive jump. They actually formed a line and took turns for my attention! My kids were content playing alone for a while and then would check in with a "Mommy, watch this!" After that momentary connection, my girls would go back to playing. But the daycare kids just rotated like a water wheel desperate for their next turn.  

Dr. Laura, I was the ONLY mother at the whole facility. I counted 25 kids and not a single mother or grown-up. I felt sad for those kids, but I did have a happy heart knowing at least my children would never have to find a random mother at the pool to find praise, love and attention. As I watched the child train leaving the pool, I was never more content with my life.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM