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December 20, 2018 - Hour 1
Best Of / Connie's sister stole all the inheritance money after their mother passed. Should Connie confront her sister or let it go?
December 20, 2018 - Hour 2
Best Of / Amy's father doesn't approve of her new fiancé. Should Amy continue with her plans to get married or call it off?
December 20, 2018 - Hour 3
Best Of / Cass is worried that her husband and his business partner may be more than friends. How can she best approach her husband with her concern?
December 19, 2018 - Hour 1
Why You Should Think Twice Before You Post, Today on Dr. Laura / Stacey's in-law has stolen items from her home in the past. With Christmas around the corner, how can Stacey stop this from occurring again?
December 19, 2018 - Hour 2
Tamie's husband is being deployed to another state as she works to finish her degree. Should Tamie make the move with him or stay to finish her studies?
December 19, 2018 - Hour 3
Alan's wife cheated on him and has threatened to leave, but they minor children at home. Is it time for Alan to call a lawyer or attempt to repair the marriage?
December 18, 2018 - Hour 1
Does Your Child Get Too Many Gifts?, Today on Dr. Laura / Jamie is upset that she was excluded from her brother-in-law's wedding photos. Should Jamie address the matter or let it go?
December 18, 2018 - Hour 2
Izzie is lacking the motivation to continue with college. How can Izzie regain the will to continue on with her studies?
December 18, 2018 - Hour 3
Linda wants to stop using a friend as her personal doctor after a recent health scare. How can Linda break the news without ending their friendship?
December 17, 2018 - Hour 1
Taking The Pain Out of Rejection, Today on Dr. Laura / Patty's son wants to move back into her home. Should Patty accommodate this request or have him seek another place to live?