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April 26, 2019 - Hour 1
Protecting Yourself From Passive Aggression, Today on Dr. Laura / Lin's wrapping up her master's degree while dating a man who's talking about marriage. Should she focus on her career or let love run its course?
April 26, 2019 - Hour 2
Melanie got pregnant after thinking she couldn't have more kids and her husband doesn't know. How can Melanie break the news that another child is on the way?
April 26, 2019 - Hour 3
Elaine recently discovered her fiancé is a reckless spender with massive debt. Is this a red flag to end the relationship or should she give him a chance to pay it off?
April 25, 2019 - Hour 1
How to Deal With Jealousy in Children, Today on Dr. Laura / Danielle has frequent nightmares of her 9-month-old baby dying. How can she address these horrific dreams and spend a happier day with her child?
April 25, 2019 - Hour 2
Susanne wants to change her first name to remove the bad memories of her mother using her current. Is this an appropriate reason to help her find the new start in life she seeks?
April 25, 2019 - Hour 3
Nicki has been told that she's done all she can for her addict daughter. How can Nicki prepare herself to hear the words "your daughter is dead"?
April 24, 2019 - Hour 1
Do You Have False Guilt?, Today on Dr. Laura / Marie discovered by DNA testing that she and her sister have different biological fathers. Should Marie address her mother about this or avoid causing family drama?
April 24, 2019 - Hour 2
Kathy's niece claimed her son inappropriately touched her when they were children. How should Kathy address this situation now that this allegation has been made?
April 24, 2019 - Hour 3
Vivian has kept her maiden name as she awaits a donor organ, but this has upset her husband. Should she update her legal name or should he be more understanding?
April 23, 2019 - Hour 1
Is Your Adult Child Lying to You?, Today on Dr. Laura / Emily continues to hold on to her bad childhood despite therapy. How can Emily put her past behind her and move forward in life?