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May 15, 2019 - Hour 1
No More Nagging, Today on Dr. Laura / Annie is furious that her in-laws allowed her 8-year-old child to ride in their car without a seat belt. How can Annie make them understand the importance of buckling up while driving?
May 15, 2019 - Hour 2
Kim's 13-year-old son has formed a fear of the dark! How can Kim figure out where this sudden anxiety stems from and best resolve it?
May 15, 2019 - Hour 3
Mark wants his stay-at-home wife to return to work despite having young children. Is this the right move for his family or should he work harder on budgeting?
May 14, 2019 - Hour 1
Losing Your Way in Life, Today on Dr. Laura / Craig and his wife are not sure how to respond with two separate birthday party invites for the same child from a broken home. Should their kid attend one party, both parties or none at all?
May 14, 2019 - Hour 2
Lauren is worried about her son's habitual quitting. How can Lauren encourage her kid to "stick with it" before giving up so easily?
May 14, 2019 - Hour 3
Nancy believes if she ends her marriage her husband will fall apart. How can Nancy get beyond her fear of leaving a bad situation?
May 13, 2019 - Hour 1
Become a Better Listener, Today on Dr. Laura / Elizabeth's daughter won't speak to her son's girlfriend because the two used to be best friends. Should Elizabeth intervene in this fight or let them handle things?
May 13, 2019 - Hour 2
Laura's missing her parents after moving to Colorado and starting her own family. Should Laura ask her husband to move or stay put in the Rockies?
May 13, 2019 - Hour 3
Carly's friend at school has been unkind to her of late. What should Carly do the next time she receives a mean comment?
May 10, 2019 - Hour 1
Stop Bending Over Backwards to Please People, Today on Dr. Laura / Sandra's husband is attending a funeral, but requested she stay home. Should Sandra insist that she attend with him or remain home as requested?