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July 12, 2019 - Hour 1
Keeping Faithful in Your Marriage, Today on Dr. Laura / Gina's 22 year-old-daughter just informed her that she will be shacking-up with her boyfriend. Can Gina do anything to help her see this is a bad idea?
July 12, 2019 - Hour 2
Lucy and her husband have different political views which often leads to a no-win situation. How can she deflect this topic in the future so she can have a peaceful home?
July 12, 2019 - Hour 3
Carol's friends went on a camping trip a day earlier than planned, which meant she could no longer go. Should Carol confront her friends over this or not worry about it, because real friends wouldn't have left her behind?
July 11, 2019 - Hour 1
Staying Motivated, Today on Dr. Laura / Kara recently rescued a baby from a car, but is anxious that she will stumble into a similar situation. Is her anxiety justified or is her need for drama affecting her emotions?
July 11, 2019 - Hour 2
Jaimie doesn't approve of her daughter's non-traditional relationship, but she's asking for help paying for the wedding. Is Jaimie obligated to help even though she feels her values are being disrespected?
July 11, 2019 - Hour 3
Sarah is ready to start dating again, but she is nervous to tell suitors about her STD. When is the right time for her to reveal this?
July 10, 2019 - Hour 1
Being Patient When You Want to Be Impulsive, Today on Dr. Laura / Natalie is taking classes to finish her degree, but her in-laws feel school is taking away vital time with her children. Should she tell her in-laws to mind their business or quit school to become a full-time stay-at-home mom?
July 10, 2019 - Hour 2
Pam's husband passed away and her step-son is reaching out in need of help paying for his wedding. Is Pam obligated to help her step-son pay for this?
July 10, 2019 - Hour 3
Despite being a very successful woman, Patricia's daughter has put on weight causing worry about her health. Should Patricia address her daughter with her concerns?
July 9, 2019 - Hour 1
Questions to Ask Before Committing to a Relationship, Today on Dr. Laura / Laura's long-distance boyfriend is talking about their future, despite only having met in person a few times. Would she be making a mistake considering marriage at this point in their relationship?