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Letters From Listeners

A HUGE Realization About Life!


Thank you for reading this! I love the show and have been listening since I was little in the backseat of Mom's car. 

The past few weeks have felt tremendously overwhelming for me. I have been frustrated at work and to the breaking point at home. I was really starting to resent my family. Every night I come home and clean....regular cleaning along with picking up after each family member.

Tonight as I was fuming to myself picking up dishes, candy wrappers, tipped over garbage cans, spilled coffee and such, I thought about how if I lived alone I wouldn't have to clean like this. All of a sudden I spilled coffee means I wouldn't have my husband.... No candy wrappers means no life would be empty. I felt so ashamed for feeling angry about the simple task of picking up after the ones I LOVE! In that few seconds of thinking, I realized how truly blessed I am. I have a wonderful husband who works very hard to provide for us and three great kids who put a smile on my face daily. I have a job. I have a car, a home, and pets. I am a very fortunate woman. I don't know that I will ever look at cleaning up after my family the same.



Tags: Attitude, Marriage, Parenting, Relatives, Stress
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