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Letters From Listeners

Boys & Girls on the Subway

Hi Dr. Laura!

I was listening to your podcast on my commute to work this morning and your opening topic was about the differences between boys and girls in the classroom. Well, wouldn't you know that when I got on to the subway I saw a small class apparently taking a field trip into the city. The children looked to be about 8 or 9 years old. The girls were all seated in the same area, huddled together, whispering and giggling. The boys, on the other hand, were trying to balance without holding on, hanging off the railings, and cracking loud jokes trying to make each other laugh. I paused your show so I could hear what the boys were talking about. In about 5 minutes I heard them mention karate, zombies, and, my favorite, the particulars of a certain laser they saw in a movie and how much damage it would do if it were directed at the human body. I got a big kick out of them and it made me smile on the way to work. I just hope their chaperone got a good night's sleep last night - he's in for a long day.


a listener who is very grateful for your voice of reason, Elizabeth
Tags: Character-Courage-Conscience, Response to a Comment, Values
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