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Email of the Day

Bringing the Affection and Passion Back

I just started listening to your book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". I felt for some time the passion in our relationship was not there and I often wondered if my husband was really happy with me. After hearing the first two chapters of your book, I realize the problems are with me. 

We were married 10 years before having a child and I didn't think anything would change our relationship, but a lot changed after our daughter was born. She became the center of our lives and is clearly the most important person in our family. I was not a wife first and then a mother.  Also, my parents passed away two years ago, and for some reason I couldn't talk about my feelings to my husband, my best friend. I was crabby, sometimes an outright bitch, and I began to shut him out. 

We used to be so passionate with each other, even in public. But that is not the case anymore and I know it is because of me: my selfishness and lack of affection and sex. He has focused on me and what I want in bed, but I have sacrificed very little. Too often, I thought of myself first. 

I have taken the advice from your book.  When he comes home, I give him a big smile, kiss and hug. I snuggle with him while watching TV, which he has expressed he likes.  I praise him on what a great daddy he is and that makes him happy. 

When we were on our way to getting married and we couldn't stop touching each other. I never imagined we wouldn't still be that way 20 years later. I look forward to reading more in your book on how to love him the way he should be loved and bring the affection and passion back in our relationship. 

Thank you, 


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Sex, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands
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