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Email of the Day

Bumps In The Road

Dear Dr. Laura:

I am a 43 year old widowed stay-at-home mom of a four year old girl.  The loss of my husband, when our daughter was only 10 months old, was completely devastating, but listening to you made getting out of bed easier.  My daughter had lost enough - I couldn't allow her to lose anymore.

Because of you, I am a stay at home mommy, and my daughter thanks me every day for being there with her.  I am teaching her the art of giving, so we do for others as much as we can, so they know we love them and appreciate them.  Since we often listen to you in the car, my daughter asked me why I liked you!  I told her that you helped me to be a better mommy and a better person, so now she tells everyone that WE listen to Dr. Laura because WE want to be better people!  Her favorite phrase is even "Now, go do the right thing!"

The curveballs life has thrown us haven't been fun or easy, but as my husband used to say, "it's not surviving the bumps in the road that determine success or happiness - it's how you go over them."  

I'm happy to let you know that I have turned several moms that used to work and place their children in daycare on to you, and they've changed their lives and become stay-at-home moms!  So don't stop what you do.  We all need you.

With warmth and appreciation, 

Tags: Health, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Relatives, Stress, Values
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