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Email of the Day

Children are Children, Adults are Adults

Two examples of parental authority that makes SENSE!

Parental authority has changed so drastically over the years that as a teacher and Rabbi's wife I can tell you not only are parents worried about making their children upset rather than the other way around, but it has come to a point that parents are actually AFRAID of their own children.

I am 31 and have four beautiful daughters. It is only one generation back- when I was a kid- that parents would discipline their kid because children were children and adults were adults and the lines were clear.

Example number 1:

When my father would eat on the couch and we would whisper, "But, Ma, how come Ta is eating on the couch and we're not allowed?" My mother would simply answer, "Different rules for Ta and for you kids." And that was the end of the discussion. Today parents are so busy making it fair between adults and kids. What the heck for??

Example number 2:

One summer, my parents rented a summer home with a pool. But, just beyond the pool there was a big opening to the bay - with no gate. My parents had us all hold hands and walk holding their hands until about 4 feet before the opening to the bay, and they said, "See where we are standing right now kids? Up until here is where you may go."  And my father picked up his hand and drew an imaginary red line on the ground with his finger... "You may not take even ONE step farther than the spot we are standing in right now. It is too dangerous. You could fall into the bay water G-d forbid." My parents did not add: And if you do, you will be punished bla bla bla... Nor did they add: If you keep this rule you will get $1 bla bla bla... Nothing. They just made the announcement. And all summer long we swam in the pool with the opening to the bay a few feet away from us and not one of us eight kids even put one TOE past the imaginary red line my father drew.

Thanks for inviting my opinion. I love giving it!


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