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Letters From Listeners

Defending A Friend In Need

Hi Dr. Laura, 

Listening to your comments regarding bullies immediately made me think of a similar incident that happened to my oldest son when he was in school. 

At the time, he was a senior in high school in Orange County. He and the rest of the student body were filing into the school auditorium for an assembly. As they entered the auditorium, he witnessed a boy and girl fighting. When he saw the boy pushing the girl he immediately stepped between them and pushed the boy away from her. The zero tolerance policy had been implemented a few years prior to this situation. Much to our surprise, he was also suspended for defending this girl. When the policy was implemented we were led to believe it was initiated to prevent weapons and drugs. 

My husband and I were quite proud of our son for standing up to that bully. Thank you for always encouraging us to do the right thing! 

Have you ever been bullied? Tell us how you stood up for yourself or another person, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Character-Courage-Conscience, Education, Friendships, Response to a Comment, Teens, Values
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