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Letters From Listeners

Disrespect And Boys Becoming Men

Dr. Laura,

I have a story that our older friend shared with me, about when he was raising his son.

One day. the father came home to his wife, tell him him that their 16 year old son had called her a *itch. That afternoon, he called his son to join him in the barn. With a sort of smile in his voice he said, "Hey, son, I hear you called your mother a *itch today." Sensing the seemingly approval in his dad's voice, the son smiled and said, "I sure did!"

Upon his son's confession, his dad took his by the collar, pulled him up to his nose and said, "You might speak to your mother like that but NOBODY...and I mean NOBODY... speaks to my wife like that."

Disrespect toward that young man's mother never happened again. The young man grew up to work in his family business, alongside of his "highly-respected" mom. He is a wonderful young man who treats his wife with the utmost respect!

Two lessons were taught here:
  1. Nobody was going to disrespect this man's wife.

  2. This is how the young man was to treat young ladies...including his future wife.

Love your show and you, Dr. Laura! Keep up the hard work!


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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Men's Point of View, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Personal Responsibility, Raising Boys to Men, Values
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