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Letters From Listeners

Energy vs. Focused Concentration

As the mother of 4 boys who finally gave me some granddaughters, there is a BIG difference in the way they learn.

Boys are more physical and their attention span is shorter. I remember helping my boys with homework and their eyes glazing over. I would tell them to race around the house, give them a snack, then we could continue. What a difference with girls! They have much longer, more intense attention spans. They can lose themselves in a book or work on art projects that the boys would not be able to stick with. Boys = energy. Girls = focused concentration. Boys seem to learn amid chaos and disorder. Girls seem to need things to look "nice" or "pretty." Boys seem to want to take things apart to see how they work, while girls just want things to work and be in order.

How do we cohabitate?




Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Women's Point of View
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