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Email of the Day

How to Keep Your Husband HAPPY!

I have been married for 13 years with 3 young children. I am now my husband's very loving girlfriend. But for the first half of our marriage I was not....sometimes I wasn't even his friend. I did not have a clear picture from my childhood on how to be a loving wife. Awhile ago, it took my husband telling me that I could leave if I wanted because he felt there was nothing he could do to make me happy. So that was the plan, to separate. 

My dad told me something that stopped me in my tracks. Something that I now hear you tell many women who are where I was many years ago. He told me, "You need to know that if you leave him, another woman will be raising and loving on your children as a mom. Can you be ok with that?" Of course I could not. And neither could my husband. We got down to work and talked through so much, went to counseling, prayed together and really drug ourselves out of the trenches that we found ourselves in. We still have ups and downs, but truly LOVE one another. And mostly, respect one another. 

Which brings me to two months ago. My sister-in-law called and said she was going to leave her husband. Nothing could change her mind.  She was done. I uttered those same wise words that my dad had told me, not knowing if they had sunk in or not. Three days later she called me with a new attitude telling me for 3 solid nights she laid in bed imagining another woman raising her children. And them calling her Mom. She knew what she had to do. They too are now on the long, but very important road to happiness and mutual respect for each other. 

Thank you Dr. Laura for telling couples thinking of divorce the truth! 

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Divorce, Marriage, Parenting
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