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Email of the Day

If I Had a 'Do Over'

Dr. Laura:

I'm a father of several daughters.  I've learned that a father has to show his daughter that first and foremost, she is protected and that her dad will defend her and keep her safe.  A father has to show grace when it's not always easy.  My 17 year old thanked me for not embarrassing her and helping her when she hit the back of a pickup truck and put a small hole in the front bumper of our car.  

A father has to allow his daughter to make mistakes in order to grow (as long as they're not serious, life-threatening errors).  But he has to be sensitive to when she needs you and when you just need to back off.

I sometimes wish I could have a 'do over' because I would be more patient and be more loving and not care what my friends thought of me and my lack of time for them.  I would fully engage.  I wouldn't care about the money I made or what I thought was important as much, because having children (and especially daughters) requires a dad to put in a lot of time, sympathy, and basic love.

By the way, I love it when you give married women advice, because my wife listens closely, and I am the benefactor of your wisdom!  You go girl!!

My kids' Dad
Tags: Behavior, Men's Point of View, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Stress, Teens, Values
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