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Email of the Day

I'm Not Wasting Anything, I'm INVESTING Everything!

Dearest Dr. Laura:

I'm married to the love of my life and we have two children.  I recently watched one of your YouTube videos, about potentially "over-educated" stay-at-home moms.  I fall into that category!  I was getting my Master's Degree in Education when I got pregnant.  I never finished it and I have no regrets.

Not only am I a stay-at-home mom, but I also homeschool our little ones.  It's FUN.  But what really made me giggle about your video was being my husband's girlfriend.  Whenever my hubby gets home from work, my daughter, 9, and my son, 6, and I dance around and shout "Mommy's boyfriend is home! Mommy's boyfriend is home!"  His homecoming is the highlight of our day, and he knows it.  It never gets old.

I have had lots of friends, family members and former co-workers whom I taught with for years tell me I am literally wasting my life and my talents by not continuing as a teacher, and not getting my Master's Degree.  Oh really?  It takes one look at my little son while he plays with a circuit board or my little daughter as she sings to know, not wasting anything.  Just INVESTING everything!

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Education, Job, Parenting, Response to a Comment, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values, Women's Point of View
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