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Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom: How to Build a Secure Financial Foundation for You and Your Children

Written By: 
Anita Fowler (Author), Karen Jensen (Author), Lela Richardson (Editor)
Publisher: Kindle Edition and now in paperback!

With the rising costs of living, stretching the paycheck seems to be getting harder and harder. "Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom," outlines clear, simple, and effective strategies that make financial management easier.

Here is an interview Dr. Laura conducted with the two authors:

1.  Aside from real or imagined financial necessity, why do you think so many mothers don't see their importance as stay-at-home moms?
Anita:   Mainstream media has launched a full-scale attack on the stay-at-home mom.  We rarely watch a TV show or hear anything widely read or listened to that is supportive of stay-at-home moms.  That's why so many mothers don't see their importance as stay-at-home moms.  
Karen:  There is no career path, no fame, no fortune that is worth sacrificing the well-being of your children. But sadly, society gives very little honor to the vital role of a mother raising her children. 

2.  In your opinion, why are so many men today eager to have their wives work, when in the not-so-distant past, men took pride in providing for their families?
Anita:  Today's men have been told that women can and should be expected to do everything they do.  They've grown up being inundated with messages that glorified a woman who can seemingly do everything.  As a result, many husbands see the responsibility of providing for family as equal for both partners.
Karen:  Men feel that if their wife has a job, they won't have to worry as much. Having two incomes allows more flexibility to spend money on things you want instead of just the necessities.  Also, women themselves are to blame. Many women don't allow their man to step up and take his role as provider. 

3.  What are the most typical budgeting mistakes families make?
Karen:  The first mistake is to not have a budget. You have to have a plan for how you will control your money or else your money will start controlling you. The second is going into consumer debt. You can never be financially stable when you spend more than you make.The third is the incorrect assumption that having more money will solve financial problems. If a family has an overspending problem, more money will only lead to more overspending. Learning to live within your means, being content to have the essentials, waiting until you can afford something before you buy it...these are the answers that will solve financial difficulties.
Anita:  Also, many families do not prioritize savings and retirement.

4.  What resistance have you experienced with respect to your book's message?
Anita and Karen:
 So far we haven't seen much resistance at all. Most people have been very supportive and helpful. Our most common comment is that the book is applicable to everyone, not just stay-at-home moms.  

5.  What did you learn writing this wonderful book?
Anita:  We learned that the most important thing is family.  We learned that money and fame are not our goals.  Instead, we want to share something we believe is very important - how to make a SAHM situation work financially for every family, even in tough economic times.   
Karen:  We also learned about different types of investments, different ways to budget and good ways to help children build credit scores. Mostly, however, we learned what a huge undertaking it is to write a book! 

6.  What do you now wish you had included that isn't in the book?
Karen:  We covered the financial aspects of it quite well, but perhaps we would include more about the stay-at-home aspects of it. The importance of a mother's influence on her children cannot be overstated.
Anita:  We also would have added more practical ideas for how stay-at-home moms can spend quality time with their families doing things that are meaningful, but not expensive.  

7.  What is the most difficulty YOU'VE experienced being stay-at-home-moms?
Anita and Karen:  Pregnancy, newborns, nursing, sleep deprivation, mundane tasks, sick kids, and (for Anita) post-partum depression. Being a stay-at-home mom is BY FAR the most difficult job we've had. But the rewards of the work are BY FAR the greatest! 

8.  What is your advice for mothers who get nothing but negativity from friends or family for becoming stay-at-home-moms?
Anita and Karen:  Combat their negativity with positive reasons why you do what you do.  Share the meaningful moments.  If they don't support you in your decision, that's their problem, not yours.  Let them go.  You'll find new friends who will support you.

9.  What are the most frequent questions you're asked by stay-at-home "wannabes?"
Anita:  How can we afford for me to stay home? 
Karen:  That's why we wrote the book, "Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom." Our heartfelt desire is that anyone who really wants to make it work as a stay-at-home mom can make it work by reading and implementing the principles taught in our book. 

10.  In your opinion, what do you see as the benefits for a woman to be a stay-at-home-mom?
Anita and Karen:  We want to be with our children as much as possible while we have them. We want to be the ones to teach them new things and see all their firsts. We want to be there when they come home from school, excited to show us the art projects they made that day. Soon enough they will grow up and leave. Soon enough we will have time to pursue a career if that's what we decide to do. For now, we love the job of being our kids' mom. There is nothing in this world more important to us than our children, and we want to make sure they know that.    

Buy Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom: How to Build a Secure Financial Foundation for You and Your Children  

Tags: Budget, Finances, Stay-at-Home Mom
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