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Letters From Listeners

Marrying a Much Older Guy

I am married to a man who is 17.5 years older than me. I was 45 and he was 62 when we married in 1999. Today I am 61 and he is 78. This is a huge difference now.  When we were first married, I loved the qualities an older man provided - maturity, financial stability, knowledge, steady job, protection, security, knows how to treat women, has been there and done that so he is not into the games. But he also has habits that are older than I am. 

We were quite compatible for 8 years, then his health began to decline and so did his libido.  He has become depressed, gained weight, wants to stay at home, will not fight to maintain his health and these are causing many challenges for me. So I go places with girlfriends or my family, attend events alone and do a lot without him. I am stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We have not had sex, cuddled, or made love in 8 years because he is embarrassed. I love him and will not divorce him, but I have plans for my future while he does not. Seventeen years is too much of a difference especially now. 


Tags: Health, Marriage, Sex, Values, Women's Point of View
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