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Letters From Listeners

Mom's ALWAYS Find Out

I remember the stupidest lie I told as a kid. I was a teen at a party and didn't bother to come home or call my parents to let them know I was ok. 

I decided that I could get away with going to the party without having to check in; I thought I was that smooth. While in the midst of enjoying myself, the phone range. I picked up my friend's phone. When I answered the call, I knew it was my mother.

She asked me if I was at Mary's house. For some odd reason, I lied and told her I wasn't there. For crying out loud! She called Mary's house on purpose, knowing that I was probably already there. Then I had answered her call! Regardless, I was stubborn. I refused to admit that I was at the party. Even though she called the house and I had answered, I was under the illusion that I could get out of trouble. We went round and round with my mom saying, repeatedly, "no! I'm not here!". 

So, Don't lie, kids. Moms ALWAYS find out.

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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Humor, Parenting, Teens, Values
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