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Letters From Listeners

No Dating Until They're No Longer Minors

Hi Dr. Laura, 

I just want to share with you why your advice works. I have been divorced for 9 years. It would have been easy to play victim, but from your show, I realize I picked poorly. I am responsible for the mess I created for my 2 sons and myself. 

My boys were in 2nd and 3rd grade when I divorced and listening to you I knew the statistics were better for my kids if I didn't date or re-marry. I wanted my boys to know that someone in their lives could make a promise and commitment then follow through with them. I told them with 100% certainty that I was only here for them and they could relax. No dating or new families moving in. 

My boys wrote me the most wonderful Mother's Day cards.  One said simply: 

"Thanks for being a great mom and always being there for us!". 

The other one expanded on this. He wrote: 

"Thank you for always being there. If there's one person in this world that I can count on being there, it has to be you. Without the guidance and moral foundation that you have provided for my brother and me, I feel as if I might have drifted away. I appreciate you providing us insight as to how to deal with Dad. Without it, my seemingly sound decisions that I would've made, wouldn't have been good for anybody. Thanks for being a great Mom and a great individual. I mean it." 

My kid just said he would have drifted away. 

Thank you Dr. Laura. I hear the listeners' voices when you tell them 10 years without dating. The years go by fast and you just might save your kids by doing this. I have one more year and both will be in college and I too will be able to start a new adventure. My boys are as excited for me as I am for them. They also know I am always available for a truthful opinion or just to listen. 

Thank you, 


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Divorce, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Raising Boys to Men, Values
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