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Letters From Listeners

Raising a Special Needs Child

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I have a now 13-year-old son with Asperger's syndrome. I have done everything possible to ensure the greatest likelihood of his independent future. I have secured services for him since the age of 18 months. I even home schooled him for a year when the district refused to provide him with an appropriate education. He now is thriving in a proper school and has friends and is being challenged academically. 

I drive him to and from school as I see no social benefit from being the only child on a short bus with two adults. We started listening to you in the afternoon by his request as I used to change the station when he got in the car. 

My son has learned from listening to your radio show about what it means to be a friend, brother and son. I would have never imagined that despite being at the appropriate school with all the counseling supports one can imagine, my son feels he has learned the most from listening to you! He used to be so upset when I had to take him to yet another therapy appointment 30 minutes away, but now he sees it as more time to listen to you. It isn't easy to find something a mom can do with her 13-year-old son with Asperger's but everyday I pick him at school at 2:30 and we sit in the car until 3:30, sometimes in the driveway, because he won't get out in the middle of one of your calls. Thank you for not only giving my son and I something to do together, but also furthering his social thinking skills and hopefully making a difference in his future.  When I drop my son off at school, he leaves the car saying, "Now go do the right thing." Thought you would enjoy knowing you are making a difference in the life of a teen living with Asperger's syndrome in a way that I would have not been able to. He can listen to topics in a non-threatening way which he would otherwise be unable to talk about. I am so grateful to anyone who makes a difference in my son's life and I wanted to say thank you. 

You're the best, 

Tags: Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Response to a Comment, Teens, Values
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