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Letters From Listeners

Saying No at Any Whim


Hi Dr. Laura,

I found this article on a man who sent his wife a letter that detailed via a spreadsheet all the times she refused to have sex with him. To the wife's surprise she couldn't believe the detail records her husband had kept.

The thing that caught my eye about the whole issue wasn't the fact the wife refused to fulfill her duty as a wife, or the fact the husband had kept track, but the wife felt the husband was being "bitter, immature and filled with hate"? Excuse me? What is wrong with married women? Why do they think they can just say no at any whim? Intimacy is crucial in the well-being of marital bliss. Husbands needs more touching, hand holding, cuddling and naked physical contact with their wives. They are NOT complicated creatures. Talk to them, feed them, touch them and love them. Don't cheat on them. Be loyal and they will give you the world. Simple as that. A little lovin' goes a long way!

Been married to my boyfriend for 25 years, we've been together for 28!



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Sex
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