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Email of the Day

The Horrors of the Feminist Movement

Dear Dr Laura, 

I recently learned my husband and I are expecting our 3rd child next summer. I joined a birth club group on a popular pregnancy website to hear of others' experiences. Recently, I stumbled on a post of a 24-year-old complaining of her family's reaction to her decision to purposely get pregnant by a man she was not dating or intended to marry. She believed at 24, she was financially and emotionally stable enough to provide for a baby and a father wasn't needed. However, her family was not supportive and she was appalled by their judgments. Obviously, she's now looking for sympathy from strangers online. 

The feminist movement has unfortunately taught young women like her that men are not needed. Having a father doesn't need to be a birthright. Farming your child out to hired help is ok. I responded rather harsh, but a point needed to be made. I said: "You've made an extremely selfish decision to have a baby without a dad. Who cares if you are established? And now you are upset because people pass judgment. I feel bad for your child." Keep up the hard work, Dr, Laura. 



Tags: Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Values
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