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Letters From Listeners

The New Way to be 'Voted off the Island'

I'm glad you're talking about this. I hate Facebook because I think it is just a place to brag and pretend to be a lot more interesting than you really are. My teenagers aren't even on it!

I had a bad experience with my sister planning holiday get-togethers with our extended family who is spread out in different states, but we were not invited. She has the ability to fly in her husband's family's company jet everywhere, so I got to see all the things that we could not be a part of constantly on Facebook. Then she would post photos of herself looking like a model! I think there are a lot of 40-something women on it, looking for validation from others and I believe it leads to a lot of infidelity in marriages. I even had someone from my old high school stalk me on it!

It's bad enough to go through the teenage years always feeling sort of unsure about the whole social aspect, but now the poor kids see everything they are left out of on Facebook! I noticed I no longer get emails from my friends and family, but they expect me to just follow them on their page, so everything is made public. I feel like we've lost all intimacy in society-- and privacy. It is definitely a lot lonelier now than it used to be. If you aren't on Facebook, then forget about keeping up with your siblings, nieces, nephews, or even your grandchildren. That whole "clique" can be very mean and exclusive! I definitely seek "real" relationships in my life now and avoid that farce.



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Internet-Media, Relatives, Social Issues, Values
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