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Letters From Listeners

What Do You Do All Day?


Dear Dr. Laura, 

Thought you would like to hear this story. Years ago my very dear friend had her first child and was a stay-at-home mom.  Her husband came home one evening and asked what she did all day.  She decided not to respond until the next day.  That morning, she started with making her husband his lunch for him to take to work.  She took out the mayo, bread, knife, etc. And left it out.  She didn't make the bed, all the diapers used that day she just left where she changed the baby.  Anything she used she didn't put away: baby food, blankets, toys, etc.  Well, you can see where I am going. The house was a total wreak. Her husband came home that evening, and said, "Oh, my gosh!! What happened?" With a smile on my dear friend's face she said to her husband, "This is what happens when I do nothing." He laughed so hard, and to this day he has never asked again, "What do you do all day?"

We are stilling laughing about this and still very happy together.






Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Humor, Marriage, Parenting, Stay-at-Home Mom
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