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Letters From Listeners

Whatever Comes, I CAN Face It

Many days start and end with me wishing, thinking and hoping that the pressures, stresses, demands and worries, fatigue and strains will just GO AWAY!

Then, I sleep. I get up again, knowing that whatever comes I CAN AND WILL just face it and go on. That's what you do and LIFE sometimes just sucks for me, for everyone. I acknowledge that every single person I know has trials. Many, if not most, are far worse than mine.

So, I just suck it up and thank God for the many many blessings in my life. I know that today might FEEL hard but it will get better. So I face another day, another week and just try and go with the flow.


How do you find the inner courage to get through the tough days? Send us an email and tell us, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Mental Health, Stress, Women's Point of View
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