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Letters From Listeners

When Someone Is Annoying

Dear Dr. Laura,

As I listened to your monologue about annoying people, I immediately thought of my sister. Over the years, I have bitten my tongue for the sake of family over her rude behaviors.  Plus EVERYTHING has to revolve around her. She would call me on the phone and start rambling about her work, her kids, her drama...I couldn't even get a word in edgewise to comment on what she was saying. When she took a breath, I would try to slip in a nugget about one of my children. She would immediately cut me off and say, "No, no...This is MY nickel" (a reference to the days when a long distance phone call was expensive) and she would proceed on. At that point, I would say, "I have to go now."  I have told her many times that a conversation is like a two-way street, but she never did get it. Over the past year, we had a falling out and haven't spoken much. I have to say, I haven't missed her calls.

Last month, I emailed her and my other siblings to invite them to a celebration for our mother's 80th birthday. She immediately called our mother and complained that I emailed the invitation to her rather than calling, and that I used the wrong email address! Because of those egregious errors on my part - she declined. Other than being mad that she complained to my mother, I was very happy she didn't attend. I realized she would have made the party all about her and not my mother.

Family or not, when someone is annoying to the point of rudeness ALL the time, who needs them! Life is short. Spend time with the people you love and enjoy.

Thanks for bringing this subject up.



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Relationships, Relatives, Response to a Comment
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