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Letters From Listeners

Why Silence Is Scary


Dear Dr. Laura,

I believe silence is scary because in those silent moments we hear and understand universal truths. It is during these quiet moments when we have thoughts like I'm not being completely honest about this issue or maybe I should look at this problem from another angle.

We are created in the image of a powerful being and because of this we have many of His characteristics. With these gifts are the abilities to be better and to become more than we are today. Some call this your conscience, some call this the Spirit or divinity, or the power of the universe. I call it God. He can only communicate with us when things are quiet and we are contemplating.

Generally these communications are things that help us to become better or to change into the people that we have the ability to be. A great example is on your radio program. Someone will call in with a very specific problem and want to talk and talk and talk. When you give your answer, Dr. Laura, they want to talk right over you. It is frightening for them to hear a solution and hear the truth. Because understanding the truth requires action. People today would rather drowned out truth and knowledge with distractions. Whether it's a video game, TV show, movie, music or just general noise or even shock therapy, they would rather do something that is noisy rather than listening to truth and understanding themselves.  All of us know someone who listens to promptings and follows true patterns.  Those types of people bring us joy, comfort, concern, and are true friends. They just seem to know when you need something, are willing to help, and give you what you need. They're not magic, they just listen. Our society could use more time in silence to resets the mind and the soul. If we would spend more time in silence even driving to work or right before bed, we would feel an increase of communications and promptings.  Then we could act upon them in our lives and the lives of those we influence will improve.

Thank you for your insight and truth,



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Friendships, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Relationships
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