Marry the Nice Guy!
February 3, 2015
Marry the Nice Guy!

Good Afternoon Dr. Laura, 

I have the pleasure of listening to your show every afternoon on my XM radio. I ADORE your advice and so does my husband. 

I am very traditional and was lucky to grow up in a household where my parents have been married for 30 years and are still in love. I always wanted what they have. Through the good and bad, they always seemed to work it out because they loved each other. This is something that is uncommon today. 

I was an art student and went to a school where feminism was a thing and many women tried to convince me not to marry. When I was 21, I met a guy that shared common interests with me and wanted to have a future together. Many of my friends thought I shouldn't settle down and instead date many other men. I realize now that by dating the nice guy and giving him a chance, I am truly happy. We have been together for 6 years and married for 2 years. Yes Dr. Laura, I married the nice guy and I am so happy! 

Now, many of my friends who are single are trying online dating or searching to find someone soon as they are approaching 30. They are all beautiful and have had offers to date nice guys, who are employed and would take care of them, but they continue to search for Mr. Right when he is right there in front of them. Maybe I got lucky at a young age, but my best advice is to go for the nice guys because one day they will all be taken. 



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM