Missing My Chance With Mr. Right
November 17, 2015
Missing My Chance With Mr. Right

Dr. Laura:

Here are some of my "dating deal breakers:"
  • Just because we both enjoy the same activities, doesn't mean we share the same values.  I watch how he's there for me when things go sideways, or how he treats other people.  If it's not what I know to be good behavior, that's a red flag and I know I should end it.

  • He's moving too fast!  He's pushy about spending time with me, and treats me after very few dates like you're his new best friend.  I'm not flattered.  And I know I should Run!

  • He's irritated if I don't agree with him and challenges my thoughts and ideas.  It's easy to second guess myself wondering if I'm not giving him a fair chance or just being too picky.  Instead, I trust my gut feeling and my instincts.
I've learned that while I'm spending time, wasting time, or making time with Mr. Wrong, I might miss my opportunity with Mr. Right.  Or worse yet, Mr. Right observes me with Mr. Wrong and figures that's the type of man I want to be with, so that must be the type of woman I am!  

Better to spend my Friday night going to that Zumba class!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM