Change Of Attitude
October 6, 2015
Change Of Attitude

Hi, Dr. Laura, 

I've been at home with my children for 18 years and married to their father for 22 years. I have listened to you for many years. While listening to the show, I heard a call about manipulation in a marriage. I have to say, it was probably the most important call I have heard you take. This call is so completely on point! Thank you for letting younger women and older ones in on the secret to a happier, long-lasting marriage. There have been times in my marriage where I was not a pleasant wife. My expectations were unrealistic and destructive to the marriage. 

It is amazing how all that changed when my attitude changed. There are times when I have had to remind myself to behave properly. It is critical to understand that YOU are in charge of your own behavior. Even though my Daughters are still at the age where they think mom knows nothing, I will share this piece of wisdom with them, in hopes that one day they will put the advice to good use. 

Thank you!


Have you ever thought that you needed an attitude adjustment? Tell us what you did to make things better, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM