No Rules for Electronics - Instead Priorities
April 18, 2014
No Rules for Electronics - Instead Priorities

Dr. Laura,

Since our daughter spends hardly any time in front of the TV or with electronic devices, I thought I'd share what works for us. Interestingly, as I tried to identify our rules, I realized we don't have any. What we have are priorities. What do we consider higher priority?

  • Challenging piano practice
  • One low-stress sports registration of her choice
  • Play time
  • Scripture study
  • Homework
  • Family time/conversation
  • Reading for fun
  • Exercise

Our daughter doesn't have a problem with excessive screen time because we have higher priorities. And play time really is a higher priority. After she completes her "responsibilities," we often have conversations like this:

Child: "Can I play a game on your iPhone?"
Me: "No, you need some play time. Why don't you see if Hailey can play."

Child: "Can I watch Frozen while we drive to _________?"
Me: "No, we're just going to relax and chit-chat and look around at the world."

This is not to say she never gets any screen time or time with the latest technologies, but we stick to our priorities, so we have no problems with excessive time with technology.

My $.02,


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM