Day Care Child Almost Drowns
August 31, 2015
Day Care Child Almost Drowns

Hi, Dr Laura. 

I found this story on my wife's Facebook. A very scary time for the "day care" child and her parents. It's sad parents want others to raise their children and put them in harm's way. 

Today, I was at Cultas Lake public beach floating on an air mattress when I heard a little girl's voice trying to yell for help.  Every time the words hardly came out, water filled her mouth and she sunk down under the water numerous times, but bobbing back up to the surface for air. Thank God I was close.  I jumped in, swam over, grabbed her from under the water and pulled her up.  She wrapped her arms around me. If I hadn't been close enough to hear her or get to her she would have drowned. It was absolutely terrifying! I carried/swam with her to shore asking where her mommy or daddy was. She said they weren't there; she was with the day care lady and was scared she would be in trouble. When she finally pointed out who the day care lady was, I saw the woman looking down at her phone, having no idea anything had happened. When I let her know what happened, the lady seemed completely unaffected even though I was still affected and shaking. She did not so much as ask if the little girl was ok, all she asked the girl was if she went too deep. There was zero concern from this lady or any affection shown to the child. She simply did not care. 

Eventually the little girl went swimming again along with about 6 other day care kids, but the woman just looked back down at her phone, hardly ever glancing up. 

A child in her care almost drowned and that did nothing to get her out of her chair or off the phone. 

My wife continued to spread the word so this woman would not be permitted to watch children again, particularly at the lake. 

Keep nagging us, Dr. Laura, and perhaps we will hear less and less of these type examples. 


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Posted by Staff at 9:58 AM