Women Need to Resist Evil
February 11, 2015
Women Need to Resist Evil

Dr. Laura, 

I completely appreciated Raeann's Email of the Day - about her two small daughters who stayed by their parents' bedroom door to make sure their mother was okay as their "father" abused her. Raeann had the courage to leave him. Yay Raeann!! 

I know that's not always the case, many women are too weak to leave. I was the youngest of four children and my older siblings had to witness my "father" beat my mother at least once a week. My mother had black eyes and fat lips.  She was cussed out in the morning before he left for work and was cussed out when he came home from work. My sister never wanted it to get dark outside because that would mean our "father" would be coming home from work soon. Our "father" also couldn't keep a job, gambled our money and had affairs. 

Raeann resisted evil. I'm sure she was scared, she probably had nowhere to go, but she left anyway! Women need to know, if they stay with an abuser and continue to be abused, they are enabling EVIL. Please women, if you are married to or living with an abuser, leave NOW. This wrecks children, even when the grown children can move forward and have healthy lives and families, the nightmare and he'll never go away. 

I don't consider myself to have earthly parents even though they are still alive.  I refer to them as idiots and I try everyday not to be an idiot. I have strong ties with my church members and I also have my "Mother Laura". I am so grateful for you because you help people get out of their own way and lead their best lives. I also love you for being such a strong advocate for children. Thank you Dr. Laura for your work in this important mission and blessings to your sweet family! 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM