My Reality Check
March 16, 2016
My Reality Check

Dr. Laura:

I was the biggest threat to my marriage before I read your book and started listening to you again.  I'm 55 years young, and have been married for 17 years.  In the early years of our relationship, he pursued me and I knew how crazy in love he was.  I took that opportunity to behave any old way I pleased.  I could be his best girlfriend one day and then be a "bitch" the next if I didn't get my way.  Even now, it chokes me up to think of the way I treated him.

I had a wake-up call nine years into our marriage and I almost lost him, but I got your book, changed my ways 180 degrees, and "righted" our marriage.  Here are the things I believe a wife can do that can be a threat to a marriage:

  1. Not controlling your moods.

  2. Not treating him like he's King of the Castle.

  3. Not taking care of yourself physically - you should always smell nice, dress like a WOMAN, and be flirtatious.

  4. Turning down sex - that's never okay unless you're really ill.

  5. Not keeping your home a sanctuary for him to return to every day.

  6. Letting your parents, siblings, or other family come first - this was a huge mistake I made.

  7. Not having his back when times are tough

  8. Not getting up with him in the morning to have breakfast with him before he leaves for work.

These days, we have a marriage made in heaven, and I cherish him every day.  He, in turn, tells me how sexy gorgeous I am and what a wonderful wife I am.  You are so right when you tell your callers "men are simple to please."  They truly are.  



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM