Stop Wasting Your Life
February 26, 2014
Stop Wasting Your Life

I heard a call from a 28-year-old woman who had been in an "on again, off again" relationship. She asked if it would ever work. I related to that caller because that was me from 18 to 28 years old. I wasted ten years of my life waiting for my boyfriend to decide about me. Finally, he broke up with me and married soon after. Thank goodness he did or I may have wasted another 10 years.

After that final break-up, I learned to stand on my own two feet. I bought my own house, developed my own interests and traveled all over the world. I'm happy to say that at 48 years old, I was married to the man of my dreams. He loves me. He is my boyfriend, my Prince Charming and the kindest man I know. I am very lucky after wasting so much time on the wrong man that I was able to find the right man. I've been married six years now and I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful guy.

By the way, my old boyfriend contacted me around the beginning of the year through my work email address. I hadn't heard or run into him in years. He wanted to meet for lunch. It was my pleasure to inform him that I am happily married and after bragging in my email about my wonderful husband he quit emailing me.

Thanks Dr. Laura for all the fabulous advice you have given me throughout the years. I consider it an honor when one of my friends calls me "Dr. Laura"!!!


Posted by Staff at 10:52 AM