Predictors of Lasting Love
July 2, 2014
Predictors of Lasting Love

Dear Dr Laura,

I have been married to my husband for 11 years. I listen to your show every day and have learned so much. The one thing I can say that has had the most impact on my life is how you are able to cut through the ego so brilliantly in order for your listeners to receive your advice. I have listened to you so much that I always know exactly how you will respond to the various questions. Even though there are a multitude of different questions you address daily, your responses still hold the same objective. Your objective is to find out the following things:

1. Treat Kindly - Are you your husband's girlfriend and take responsibility for your own actions first?

2. Choose Wisely - Did you know when you got married who you were marrying or are you surprised by a sudden change in personality?

3. Are you fearless enough to leave the situation?

4. Are you too cowardly and fearful to make the necessary changes?

Thank you, Dr. Laura,


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM