Dr. Laura's Girls' Night Out!
October 4, 2013
Dr. Laura's Girls' Night Out!

Dr. Laura,

I am so excited to share this story with you! I have held you close to heart for many years. You have been my "Mom" so to speak: the Mom of my dreams! 

Recently, I attended a child's birthday party of a friend. I sat next to a young woman who was an acquaintance.  Somehow we started talking about children and families. It was then that stars collided and friends forever were bonded! I felt comfortable enough to mention my hero. YOU! She said, Oh my goodness I love her too! We continued to talk and laugh and bond as Dr. Laura fans!

It was so amazing. We were eye to eye through the entire meal: Tuned in and so happy to have found one another. We barely were eating and just excited to share common values. We spoke of past shows and lessons we had learned. Before we left, we made plans to have a girls night and play her Dr. Laura board game.

Wow! The world is becoming so void of morals and ethics. It was a beautiful!  It was sappy and I loved it!


P.S. I will let you know who wins the game! Actually, we both win and so do those around us!

Posted by Staff at 8:59 AM