Giving Our Children the Lives They Deserve
April 21, 2014
Giving Our Children the Lives They Deserve

Hello Dr. Laura, 

I am a recovering feminist who worked full time in a demanding field for the first years of my boys' precious lives. I knew working while having kids was a mistake from the moment I spent 12 weeks with my precious toddler and newborn while on my second maternity leave. Still we had a very steep mountain of debts that had to be dealt with before I could quit. My husband was already working two jobs and I was working 40 hours a week. It took us a very long and painful 4 years to make my being home a reality.

When I get caught up feeling guilty about my years of passing the kids off to Grandpa for the day, I remind myself of the countless times you have told people to focus on the changes you have made to permanently right that wrong in your life. We now give our children the life they deserve. I have been home with my kids for 3 years now and it is easily the best decision I have made in my entire life. I can say that I am truly my kids' mom and dear husband's girlfriend. I love my new job and though it does not pay a monetary salary, the lifetime benefits package for our family is amazing.

I am proud to be the wife of a man who is willing to work hard to make this a reality. He is my dragon slayer and love of my life. He is the perfect example for our two boys of what a man is and how a man should provide for his family.

I am absolutely thrilled to be home for my kids and husband. Thank you for all you do in support of stay-at-home moms!


FYI: My 7 and 8-year-old boys are home for Easter break. I enjoyed the many interruptions of getting snacks and listening to musical creations they immediately had to share that made writing this email take over an hour.


Posted by Staff at 11:20 AM