The 'Other Side'
September 10, 2014
The 'Other Side'

Dear Dr. Laura, 

A relative of mine posted a comment on Facebook this morning that has triggered me. I decided rather than "getting into it with her on Facebook" I would rant and rave to you...HA! 

Here is her comment:
Dear Stay-at-Home Mom,
Please do not complain to me about how hectic your life is going to be now that the kids are back in school. I'm sure you will find time to take the kids to their activities and get homework done after you have had your tennis match and nail appointment. Your friend, The always hectic working Mom 

In response to this comment another person posted:
Seriously! The "other side" has no idea how hard it is to juggle work. 
Is that what stay-at-home moms have become? The "other side?' Really? Since when does being available for my children 24/7 become a negative thing? Why does there have to be two sides? By choice and sacrifice I am a stay-at-home mom. I work hard at what I do. I schedule and take kids to appointments, maintain the house, cars and pets, manage our finances and shop for my family's needs. I volunteer, almost daily, to help and assist those who are in need in my church and neighborhood. I am heavily involved in our school's Parent Teacher Student Association. I am often at the school selling cookies at lunch, planning school festivals, or other worthwhile events. I am the first person my working friends call when their child forgets to take their lunch to school or needs to come home sick. Me...The stay-at-home mom! 

My life as a stay-at-home mom is very fulfilling. Yes, there are times when I take time out in my day to do something for myself, but that is an exception. I enjoy being busy and involved in my community. I do not appreciate being judged negatively because I don't work or because I have a little more flexibility over how I manage my time. I like to think we have each other's backs. That just because some of us choose to stay home (and it is a choice) we can still help each other. I like to think that we have compassion for each other as women; that we willingly and happily try to lighten each other's loads. It makes me sad there seems to be an increasing amount of bitterness toward stay-at-home moms. There should be no "other side". 

Phew... I feel much better now! Thank you for listening, 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM