Putting In the Work
July 17, 2014
Putting In the Work


I can say our involvement with our child's education was much more than our parents'. As kids, we went to public school and they did not expect much. Even if they did, my parents spoke little English and my wife's parents were dysfunctional. Since our one-and-only son went to a private Christian school, it was almost required. With involvement came many rewards for us and our son. He was class Salutatorian and got half of a ride to college. My wife or I went on every field trip; we helped with homework and projects; we attended all school functions and donated to the school. My wife was Room Mom during the K-6 grade years. All the teachers knew my son and us.  I guess the school saw what we did because now I see the school got wise and parents have to do this stuff or pay extra. The same people over and over came. Some just dropped off the kid and that was that. To me an involved parent is putting in the work so that they have a child who can succeed and feels loved.



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM