'The Greatest'
December 3, 2015
'The Greatest'

Dr. Laura:

I recently heard a call you had from a mother telling you how her son got "nervous and nauseous" when playing for a baseball team where he wasn't one of the top players and the coach was tough.  The mother wanted to remove him from the team, but you told her that learning how to deal with "not always being the best" was a good lifetime skills lesson.

That reminded me of a Kenny Rogers song "The Greatest."  It's about a little boy who goes out to practice baseball by himself - just with his bat and ball.  He throws the ball up, "hears the hush of the crowd" but then the ball falls on the ground without his having hit it.  He then picks the ball up again, "hears the hush of the crowd," and again, the ball falls to the ground.  He does this a third time, and when the ball falls on the ground, he "strikes out."  As he hears his mother calling him back to the house for dinner, he picks up the bat and ball and walks home telling himself "I didn't know I was such a great PITCHER!"

A shift in attitude is all we need sometimes to make life great!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM