How Men and Women Communicate
August 7, 2012
How Men and Women Communicate

Dear Dr. Laura:

I'm a little behind on my podcasts, but you made a statement the other day regarding the differences men and women have in communication. It reminded me of an incident I witnessed and laughed about with my daughter.

Example of incident between two women:

Woman 1 walks out of restaurant and drops her wallet.
Woman 2 - "Excuse me Ma’am, but I believe you dropped your wallet."
Woman 1 - "Oh!" walking back to pick up the wallet "Thank you! I hate it when I do that."
Woman 2 - "Oh I know. It's such a pain getting everything replaced. And expensive too."
Woman 1 - "I know. Thanks so much."
Woman 2 - "You're welcome."
Woman 1 - "Have a nice day," continuing on her way.
Woman 2 - "Thanks, you too."

Example of incident between two men - and what actually happened:

Man 1 walks out of restaurant and drops his wallet.
Man 2 - "Sir!" when man 1 looks, Man 2 points to dropped wallet.
Man 1 walks back and picks up wallet; holds wallets up towards Man 2 and says "Thanks."
Man 2 nods head in acknowledgment and continues on his way.

The same thing was said in both cases, just one verbal, the other nonverbal.


Posted by Staff at 3:37 PM